Monday, February 23, 2009

Econimic Spin (aka Bull Shit)

The recession that the United States is currently experiencing, is actually making it a stronger country. On the surface it may appear that nothing good will coming will come from this crisis, but there are a lot of positive things that will come as a result of this recession. When times are good in America, there is often waste. Waste that gets ignored because of the plentiful recourses that this country enjoys. Yet, when things go bad in this economy, it is the greed of capitalism that will be the saving grace.
Capitalism is a system of government that depends on the accumulation of wealth by individuals to be the catalyst for the economy. So when the profits of those people start to wane, they are the ones who must find the answer. Not the government. One of the ways in which the people find ways to solve this problem is by eliminating waste within the society. One way that this is done is by streamlining production lines. This may eliminate some workers in that production line, but the end result is cheaper production of the same product. Couple that with the same action in many other industries and the cost of living will be driven down overall. Lower living costs make the money that employed workers still make more valuable. This in effect is another way of generating more wealth for Americans as a whole.
The main draw back for this, is that often when business owners are trying to streamline their business they try to lower the wages of the people they still employ. The best way to address this is the forming of unions. Unions have the power to keep wages up even in harsh economic times.

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