Monday, March 16, 2009

Corn nuts

Many fond memories that I have from my childhood are from lunch time at school. I never went to public school, so for the most part sack lunches where my only option. The closest thing that we had to cafeteria food was food purchased from local venders, that was marked up and sold during lunch. One of the problems for me growing up was that I loved food a little too much. So in order to fulfill my ever growing need for food I started to buy things from the school on top of the sack lunch I was already bringing.

Knowing that I could only get fifty cents to and extra dolor from my parents each day, I started to try and find what I could by that was the most filling for what I was paying. The snack that I ended up deciding was the food that gave me the most bang for my buck, where corn nuts. The school sold them for fifty cents a piece. That meant at minimum I was going to get at least a bag of nuts to eat after my meal. One the cool days that I got a dolor, I would either get another bad of nuts of a can of soda; which also cast only a dolor.

The cool thing about the corn nuts where that they came in a variety of flavors. They came in salted, bbq, ranch, nacho cheese, and other flavors. The flavor that I got the most was the ranch style. This was because I really like the stuff they used to season it. Later in life when girls started to become more important, I stopped with the extra food and stated to play organized sports. My affection for corn nuts faded away as well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bud-Light + Coors Light =Boors Light?

Two of the largest Beer manufacturing companies in the US are the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company and the Coors Brewing Company. They both produce a wide variety of different products ranging from ales, lagers, wheat beer, and other types of beer. One type of beer that both of these companies produce is a light version of their lager. Both of these light lagers are top sellers within the companies. Another thing that they have in common is that when canned they have similar labels.
The labels on the Coors Light can and the Bud-light can are very similar in design. For instance both labels share silver backgrounds. This silver is not printed onto the can, but are in fact bare stretches of aluminum. Another aspect that both of these cans share is that both labels only use four different colors red, black, white, and Blue. The last similarity that the two cans share is that both cans make use of wide mouth technology. Wide mouth technology is when the mouth of the can is stretched horizontally, in order to allow for faster consumption.